Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My little Artist

Now that school is out we have been on the go so much!
One afternoon, I took the kids for a story time about the new movie "Toy Story 3", they enjoyed that and Ian really loved coloring pictures of Buzz Lightyear & Woody!!!
I have been so excited for the past several months about planning Ian's next birthday party. Honestly, last year when he turned 3 I really wanted to have a batman party for him, but he was so into his trains so I decided to do a train birthday party, so I have been so looking forward to this years party because I thought I was going to get to do a BATMAN party!!! But, I asked Ian the other day, do you want a batman party or a Toy Story party? He said, a Buzz Lightyear party!!! I thought that was cute, so we'll just have to see if he outgrows Buzz by the time October rolls around.
I know, I don't want my kids to get older but I'm planning there next party as soon as I finish the last one. I just love to have little parties!!!!

After the Story time, we went to "My art Studio", they just had a grand re-opening and I'm telling you my kids would have stayed and painted this bus til the sun went down. They LOVE to paint, so they had so much fun painting this bus!!!

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