Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hair shoppe girl

Yesterday, Lexi decided to go upstairs and get the scissors and play hair shoppe girl! Yeah, she cut her bangs off! She came downstairs and had a clip in her hair and something just looked a little different and I said, Lexi what did you do to your hair and she said "I just put a clip in it". The more I looked at her it just still didn't seem the same so I took the clip out and her bangs that have NEVER been cut were down to her chin are now up to the middle of her forehead. I said Lexi, what happened? Who cut your hair? She said, I did, I don't want bangs! I guess she doesn't realize she now has bangs, and didn't before! You couldn't tell how long her bangs were because she always pushed them to the side. She is so funny, now when I put her bangs down on her forehead she pushes them to the side!

This reminds me of when McKenzie was 5 she use to play like she was cutting Jim's hair and she would sit and comb it while he watched tv and she always said she was playing "Hair Shoppe Girl".

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