Friday, July 10, 2009


We went to a wedding and the kids really enjoyed that!My little Daisy's

Yeah, I had to stop on the side of the road again to pick some more wild flowers! I wish those flowers were on the sides of the road everywhere in Florida! McKenzie was getting ready to turn 16 so she picked out beads and we made her a bracelet!

When we got there we had to go to the railroad tracks that my grandma use to walk with us on. We spent hours playing near those tracks and they really make me have lots of memories of my grandma!
This picture is a picture that really makes me think of my grandma, this is the railroad track and also the apartment that she lived in when she passed away. I really miss her a lot.
MawMaw and the girls, we were talking about Nanny the whole time because she use to come sit at this little park in the evenings just to pass away time!
And at the wedding reception the girls got to dance with Brandon the groom, they LOVED him!

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