Saturday, March 7, 2009

The "Big Boy" Room

This pictures is from back in August of 2008, we took the crib down and painted Ian's room for the big boy transition. He was almost 22 months and was sleeping horrible, so I thought it was because he was bumping into the rails of the crib and it was waking him up. I found a REALLY good deal on part of his big boy furniture at Kids Quarters they were in bankruptcy and was selling everything, so I got part of his bunk bed and his dresser and mirror and then I ordered the other pieces to match from a local furniture store. I couldn't pass up the deal so Ian was getting a big boy bedroom! And, he was super excited and wanted to run the sweeper and clean to get ready for the delivery!!!! My son LOVES sweepers, he points out every sweeper he sees in a store and has to "help" mommy every time!

He LOVES to climb the ladder to the top bunk! The girls love to climb it as well and they ask why don't they have bunk beds!!
I had Ian's bedding made by a lady that sews for me, I just love her!!! But, I was sooooooo excited because I actually sewed the valance in his room!!! I told my self I am going to figure out how to sew, so I thought that would be the easiest thing to do and I did it!!!

Ian's room is the woody car theme and surf boards! I really debated on doing this pattern or airplanes because of Jim, but then I thought I would give Ian something different and I really liked the pattern and colors in this fabric. But honestly, now I wish I would have done the airplanes because Ian absolutely loves airplanes.
The picture of Ian and I are from May 8, 2008, this is a day I won't forget. It was one of the hardest days for me as a mommy. I had to have a nuclear stress test done that afternoon and because of the nuclear injection I could not breastfeed (because of the health risk for Ian).
I know, I am crazy, Ian was 18 months old and I had kept on talking about quitting nursing, but Ian was definitely not ready to give up. It was so hard, so I thought instead of staying home that morning we were going to go make a hand/foot print of Ian to remember that day.
The day that my baby became a big boy.

His big ole foot is on the back!
He has his OWN chair
This is a painting I had made for his room, Ian's Beach est.2008
These are "some" of his monkeys, the 2 little ones were bought for him when he was in mommy's tummy and were taken to the hospital and the monkey chair he got from Santa on his 1st Christmas. (His nursery was done in animals)

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